Nuovo prestito con Kiva !
Vorrei condividere con voi il mio nuovo prestito con Kiva, il più famoso Social Lending Service presente in web.Qui di seguito trovate informazioni sul destinatario del prestito:
Sixto is 46 years old, has been married for 14 years, and lives in a town name Cumutay which is close to his farmlands. He has 6 children, two of whom still live with him and help with the crops. His work begins at 5 am, at which time he removes the grass and starts his planting areas. After this work is complete, he returns to his house at 8 am to eat breakfast, then returns to the farm again to complete his tasks. His wife follows with his cows and other animals, bringing him lunch. Through these labors, he was able to educate his children who now live in other cities; he is very proud of them. During the current season, he is planting 1 ½ bags of pea seeds called “Super Improved” which are resistant to humidity. He will plant about the same quantity next month, but from a different type of seed. He uses this staggered technique so he will continually have a harvest and, as a result, a more consistent level of income. When there is not much farm work to be done, Sixto works in construction. He builds adobe homes, for example, from the months of June through September. This is his third loan with MFP and, under the directive of the president of his cooperative bank, he works very responsibly to make sure all members make their payments on the designated date. As a result of these efforts, the group has not fallen into delinquency. With the funds he is requesting he will purchase pea seeds that cost 600.00 Peruvian soles per bag, and he will use the remaining funds to buy insecticides to fumigate his crops.Aggiornerò via commenti questo post quando riceverò indietro il denaro prestato.
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